Thursday, August 02, 2007


August already?

We spent three weeks in South Dakota visiting friends and relatives. OUr grandaughter had a beautiful wedding. They honored their grandparents by special seating etc. Both the bride and groom are faithful churchgoers. Maybe there is hope for the future generation?

My story about the lightning -struck minister is in Fine Lines a university magazine. PUblished in July Website: I sent in a sequel but I haven't heard from the editor or Jack. I left a message on Jack's phone but no answer. Maybe he did'nt like It?

I have joined two writing groups one for short stories and one for novels both by forum4all. monitered by Linda Barenet-Johnson.They are time consuming but I am learning a lot.

I have been lax in submitting and writing. One more batch of company around the fifteenth and I think we'll be done for awhile. No bites on the house. I may have to get a day job! Vacationing and having company is expensive! I don't regret it though. We mended fences with a lot of our relatives. Some are impossible but you can't win them all.
Connected with friends Lois and Sharon this week. Fun! Also went to a memorial service for the husband of a friend (not fun!)
Enjoyed having youngest son Mark here for two weeks and later daughter Jayna and her three year old. Anyone know how to handle temper tantrums????

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