Saturday, November 25, 2006



Rejection letters upset me. But I did get one from Blooming Tree Press the other day that was kind. since they had published a childen's story of mine in an anthology, I had sent them more of the same genre. the letter stated that I had a unique idea and it is well written with likeable characters but just not right for our list at this time. It made the rounds of our editors, she said
At least they read it.
I met an interesting man at Hastings today in the coffee shop his name is Don and he has been working for Today's News Herald. He has quit and is going back east. He is a reporter and free-lance writer. He was able to give me some pointers on getting published.
I don't usually talk to strangers but I was safe in that evnironment. He said he had seen the writer's group at the thursday meeting and if he were to stay he would probably join. He might have been an asset to the group.
I also submitted a log in to the writer's conference group and got several comments. Maybe when my eyes return to normal and I get my act together I may rejoin the group if they will have me. Don said it is a good idea to belong to some kind of group. all for now JOan

Monday, November 13, 2006



josjabbers here I go again.
I am going over all the print-outs I received from the free e-line workshop and beginning to get interested in writing again. My friends Lois and Sharon are encouraging me. I have found several avenues of writing I have never considered before. such as non-fiction. I am told there is more money in it than in fiction. I have such an active imagination I don't know if I could handle non-fiction.
Also am going to try my hand at reviewing.
I need to get more organized and do one thing at a time but I keep hopping from one project to another.
I feel guilty about not spending more time on the memoirs I wrote for a gentleman here inLHC he is getting older and would love to to see his story in print. One suggestion I received was to break it up into short stories. I may try to do that. I did one for Guideposts but recieved no answer. Maybe I'll try the memoirs contest again. I think if I could get his story in print then I would feel better about spending time on some of my more favorite projects. I was writing a sequel to Jeremiah's Issue but haven't touched it in months. I guess because I can't get the original published I have kind of lost interest. My eye dr. suggested I put drops for dry eyes in just before I read or write and it has really helped. (Why didn't I think of that?) well wish me luck. I really need to get some cash flow coming in. So far I have received 30 dollars for writing. Talk about the starving artist! JO

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