Wednesday, August 09, 2006


serious jabbering

My third day blogging. I got a comment from my friend Sharon. She asked if I will print some of my stories. Well maybe, but they are long.
If I can figure out how to transfer my documents to my blog I might. but maybe that is impossible. In the meantime. We had a funeral for three goldfish. Hey they lived six years that's pretty good isn't it? I mean for a goldfish.
My literary achievements are: Two children's stories on line in Magic Lark Journal. I believe they have been archived. One story in Long STory short on line that was a Bea and Ben story. I have a story in Letters To My Teacher that is in bookstores across the country. I have a children's story in Summer Shorts a book by Blooming Tree Press that will be on the market this August. I was recently published in Dazzlling Desert, a local magazine. I have entered a contest in Guideposts. The winners are to be informed on or about the 15th of August. Losers won't be contacted.

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