Sunday, May 20, 2007


I'm baaack!!

It is
May 20th 2007. When my computer went down I thought I had lost my blog. Guess it had been changed to Google. I think I have it figured out now..
the winter went by fast. Life interfered with my writing.I need to submit some stories and get out of my writing doldrums.
an interesting thing happened. My niece decided to participate in a museum in upstate New York that is commemorating purple heart winners from all wars the United States has been in. This enterprising girl gathered all the information she could get about my dad who was her grandfather. He was in World War One and gassed by mustard gas in France. He earned the purple heart but was never presented with it. It is now recorded that he did indeed earn the purple heart.
anyway, the museum is setting up a display whereby you can view information regarding the purple heart recipients. Patsy knew I had written a story about my Dad's being gassed and she asked me to send it to her. She sent all the information including my story to the museum.
she received a reply almost immediately from the museum. They are going to include Dad in the display and said some very kind things about my story! This won't be done for about a year. but I hope someday to go to the museum and see the display. I think I submitted the story to the writer's group at one time I'm not sure. The first time I wrote it was for Tyler's fifth grade assignment. I have re-written it several times since.
I also joined aN E-LINE writer's group and wrote a story with a prommpt. I can't seem to find replies but another grandson is coming up from PHoenix in June and he will help me figure it all out, I know. It is nice to have grandsons. Joan

Yes, you're back! Congrats. What great info about your father. Sounds like a lovely tribute. Yep, grandsons are wonderful! Glad to read you again. :-) Keep at it,
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