Wednesday, December 05, 2007



I got on my blog by the back door. I found Sharon's blog and she had my site on hers so I got in that way. I haven't posted since August. Mostly because I couldn't get on. I was so excited because I sent a query in to American Publishers and they right a way wanted my book. Then I looked them up on Preditors and Editors and it seems they are not reputable. Here I spent a lot of work editing and revising my novel Oh, well, I will send it someplace else. I enjoy my e-line writing group. they really get on me for not using enough descriptive words and "telling," not "showing"
I just need to slow down. I always feel I must hurry.
I'm doing my Jeremiah's Issue for the novel forum critique group. they didn't like the beginning. so I'm starting with chapter three.I'm neglecting my housework (and my husband) but I am writing a completely new ending to Teri my novel about a gal hhhwho was kidnapped by a notorcycle gang. I plan to enter the AAdams media call for stoories honoring my dad as a hero. I figure if I hurry my writing group can critique it before the deadline. My story printed by Blooming Tree Press Summer s
Shorts was critiqued by the Havasu Writing Group. I used Sue Gilliam's suggesstions and they worked! Thanks, Sue!

Yahoo! Good to see you back! And such good news as to your writing. You have a lot going on and that is so cool. You are such an inspiration to me.
HI Jo-Jo!! Love the blogs!! Keep em' coming! I am thinking of setting myself up a blog as well! Keep me posted on your writings and pleaseeeee let me know where I can obtain some of your work! As Poppen said, it is inspirational!

Today is Memorial's Day, and I am cleaning. Hopefully Jarod gets off work early.

Love, Tessa

Is this the blog you refer to, that nobody comments on? Or do you have a new one that has more recent posts?
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